Department of Probation and Child Care Services

Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment

Asian Development Bank Project


The ADB Project (2022-2024)

Total Grant: USD 969,176.30

The project is being implemented by several agencies under the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and Social Empowerment.  It is expected several main objectives, with the special hope to improve the nutritional level and the food safety of the children at risk in Sri Lanka, while giving special attention to the children under the care of the Department of Probation and Child Care Services, through the Food and Nutrition Project Funded by the Asian Development Bank.  These objectives include the following;

  1. ADB-G-01 - Support for basic needs of children in disadvantaged care homes
  2. ADB-G-03 - Training for staff at shelters and care homes, Divisional government officials
  3. ADB-G-04 - Development of care plans/livelihood development plans for vulnerable children, women and persons
  4. ADB-G-05 - Support for basic needs of children at risk of being placed in institutional care
  5. ADB-G-06 - Livelihood development support for at risk adolescents, including those in care homes

Overall, the Food and Nutrition project funded by the Asian Development Bank is a critical initiative that aims to improve the lives of vulnerable children in Sri Lanka by providing them with basic necessities, comprehensive care, and support for their physical, emotional, and educational needs.



  • Dep. of Probation and Child Care Services
  • 3rd floor, Sethsiripaya, 2nd Stage,
  • Battaramulla.
  • +94 11 2186 062/ 11 3082 483
  • +94 11 218 7285