நன்னடத்தை மற்றும் சிறுவர் பராமரிப்புச் சேவைகள் திணைக்களம்

மகளிர்இ சிறுவர் அலுவல்கள் மற்றும் சமூக வலுப்படுத்துகை அமைச்சு

Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction Program

18 12 2023 - 10:00 AM

Children’s Clubs program is one of the key programs implemented by the Department of Probation and Child Care Services to obtain meaningful participation of children as a country that ratified the Convention on Children’s Rights.

Under this program, various programs are being implemented to develop knowledge, attitudes and to develop skills and the Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction program is also among those.  With the financial support of the UNICEF, many child centric disaster risk reduction programs were implemented at the Divisional Secretariat Division level, under the leadership of children,  and Child Rights Promotion Officers/Assistants direct these children for that. 

Among these projects, the selection of the best project was carried out recently in line with the World Children’s Day programs and a ceremony was held to share the experiences in that regard and to evaluate officers, at Waters’ Edge on 18.12.2023.    

Also, awareness was carried out by the resourcefulness of Mr Mihilar Mohamed of UNICEF under the topic of the Child - Centric Disaster Risk Reduction Concept and its’ modern trends. 

Mr M.H.G. Bandara, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Women, Children’s Affairs and Social Empowerment, Ms Yashika Peris, Deputy Director of Planning and a group of officers of the Department of Probation and Child Care Services participated in this event. 

எம்முடன் இணைந்துகொள்ளுங்கள்

எம்மைத் தொடர்புகொள்ள

  • நன்னடத்தை மற்றும் சிறுவர் பராமரிப்புச் சேவைகள் திணைக்களம்,
  • 3 ஆம் மாடி, செத்சிறிபாய, இரண்டாம் கட்டம்,
  • பத்தரமுல்லை.
  • +94 11 2186 062/ 11 3082 483
  • +94 11 218 7285
  • pcc@sltnet.lk